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The Renters Guide: Studios vs 1 Bedroom Apartments in Dubai


Apartment hunting is no easy feat – from finding the right community to sizing up each square foot, many expats are torn between choosing a studio or a 1-bedroom. When it comes to settling down for the long haul, smaller families or couples may face extra challenges when gauging their exact requirements in Dubai. Let`s break down the details and make it easier for you to choose your preferred property to call home!

Should I Rent A Studio or 1 Bedroom Apartment in Dubai?

There’s a lot to consider when choosing between these two types – from lifestyle preferences to maintenance costs. Factors such as budget constraints, work commute, and furnishing also play a prominent role in people’s final choices, and with hundreds of residences to choose from, it’s easy to get lost in the numbers. Below we’ll be highlighting the main points to consider and the key differences between studios and 1-bedroom apartments, as well as the main factors for comparison that could make or break your final choice.

1 Bedroom Apartment vs Studio: Factors for Comparison


Studios are smaller than 1-bedrooms, containing the sleeping area, living room, and kitchen in one contained space. 1-bedrooms, on the other hand, have a separation between the sleeping and living area. If you live alone and have tighter budget constraints, studios can provide ample space and amenities without breaking the bank. However, if you prefer a larger living space or have additional occupants, a 1-bedroom can provide more room and privacy.


For homebodies who prefer their privacy and valuable alone time, a studio is perfectly suitable. However, if you find yourself inviting friends or family over often, you’ll probably want extra space for socialization! A 1-bedroom can provide both you and your guests with more space for entertainment, as well as extra square footage in the kitchen and dining area.


If you’re a couple that prefers some privacy, a 1-bedroom may be more suitable than a studio. The extra square footage provided by a 1-bedroom apartment lets you separate your living and sleeping spaces, offering a quieter, more secluded environment.


Along with their budget-friendly price tags, studios in Dubai can be cheaper to furnish than a 1-bedroom apartment. However, there’s also less space for clutter or customization, so you’ll have to keep the decor minimalist. If you need a little extra space to make your home comfortable, a 1-bedroom apartment provides plenty of room for personalization!


Given that studios are smaller, they often require less cleaning and result in cheaper monthly bills than a 1-bedroom. It`s important to factor in your electricity, AC, and other additional costs when choosing between the two. If you’re looking for cheaper maintenance costs, or simply don’t want to spend the extra time cleaning, a studio might be the preferable option.

Future Plans

Be sure to factor in your future plans and how long you intend to stay in the apartment. If you’ll be moving frequently, a studio’s compact layout might be more convenient. A 1-bedroom apartment, however, provides greater versatility if you have a stable living arrangement or intend to live with someone else.


Now that we’ve explored the details of both studio vs. 1-bedroom apartments, it’s easier to make a fair comparison. Your final choice might change depending on your needs or preferences.

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